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Start of the 5th ‘Stories of Smart Water’ Literary Competition with new features

For the fifth consecutive year, Viaqua has launched the ‘Stories of Smart Water’ Literary Competition.


Cartel Certamen Literario "Relatos de agua inteligente"

The aim of this literary competition is to help use creative writing to disseminate the culture of water and involve young people in the sustainable use of this scarce resource and care of the environment. It is aimed at school students aged 12 to 17 in secondary education, baccalaureate or vocational training at schools in areas where Viaqua is the water service manager.

The competition will run in the last quarter of the year, with 31 December as the deadline for presenting micro-stories. This year has a new theme, focusing on the importance of water as a scarce resource essential to life. The aim is to write short story of no more than 200 words to raise awareness of the social, economic and environmental problems caused by poor management of this resource and how water saving and efficiency measures can be used in towns and daily life to create a world that is as sustainable as possible.

There will also be a prize for the most original format and for the school with the highest participation among its students.

View the terms and conditions.